Dental Appliance Sleep Apnea

03/09/2014 12:16

The Invention of Dental Appliance Sleep Apnea Is a Boon in the Oral Health Field

Although most people snore occasionally, chronic snoring is something that must not be ignored or taken for granted. Chronic snoring may be a red flag of something more serious. The person with snoring oral health problems may face more serious problems than facing an irritated partner who cannot sleep in the same room with them. This snoring problem may be a sign that the person has sleep apnea which is the condition wherein the person stops breathing for short intervals the whole night. This condition causes the oxygen levels in the blood to fall; while the carbon dioxide starts to rise.

                      Thankfully, snoring dental problems can be diagnose and treated by a dentist who specializes in this oral health problem with the help of dental appliance sleep apnea. The dentist who specializes in snoring problems can deal with specific snoring dental problems which may lead to complicated medical conditions if it is not prevented early on.

Causes Of Snoring Dental Problems

The main reason why a person snores is that the soft tissues on his or her upper airways collapse against each other. This causes the tissues to vibrate when the individual tries to breath. There are a lot of factors that can lead to snoring problems, including:

·        A long soft palate

·        Large tonsils and tongue

·        Incorrect position of the jaw

·        Obstruction in the nasal passageway

·        When the person sleeps on back, which causes the tongue to drop to the back of the mouth

Snoring oral health problems is also a symptom of a much more serious sleeping problem which is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea has been linked to various health risks and problems, such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart complications.

Treatments That Can Address This Dental Problem

A dentist can report snoring dental issues via numbers of ways. The treatment may rest on the gravity and sternness of the problem. The treatments which are available for it are as follows:-

Dental Appliances: One treatment method uses mandibular advancement splints. Dental appliance sleep apnea device can keep the jaw in place and can bring the tongue slightly forward.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine: This device will pump a controlled air stream through a hose continuously. While using this device the suffer will wear a mask  through which the steam continuously pumped into the nose and make sure that the patient have open and free air passages.
Surgery: This is method is applied on those patients who are having severe snoring problems. This procedure involves removing a small portion of the tissues at the back of the person's throat. The aim of this procedure is to make the airway bigger. However, this procedure has certain drawbacks since this can lead to the formation of scar tissues over the throat area which will eventually make the airway even smaller.


A dental health professional, who specializes in snoring dental problems, can provide the right treatment for specific snoring and dental problems. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, you must immediately seek help before it leads to more serious complications.

Get redirected here to read about sleep apnea dental appliances.